Back and Neck Pain

Sports Injury: Gluteal tendinopathy

Sports Injury: Gluteal tendinopathy

Are you experiencing hip pain? There are a few structures in and around the hip that can lead to pain felt at the very outer aspect of it. Problems in the low back, the hip joint itself, and soft tissues that surround the joint can all be viable culprits. Let us explain in our latest injury blog about gluteal tendinopathy.

Text Neck: Improving your Childs posture

Text Neck: Improving your Childs posture

Using an electronic device and smart phones can put a lot of pressure on your neck and spine. The further you look downwards, the more force is placed on the neck joints, discs and muscles.

Unfortunately we are seeing more children suffering from neck pain and headaches as a result of their bad posture while playing on their iPad or phone.

So what can we do about this?